Message from the Chief – Recruitment

The Fire Chief is looking for a few good Men and Women.

Have you ever wondered who responds when there is a 9-11 fire or medical emergency?  The answer is:  Its people just like you.

If you’re interested in any or all of the following:

  • serving the community
  • experiencing something different
  • participating in meaningful, team-oriented activities
  • using your personal skills
  • experiencing physical and mental challenges
  • participating in special and complicated jobs
  • making new friends and enjoying a sense of “family.”

Then, Please consider becoming a VOLUNTEER Firefighter or EMT.

We need men and women, we need you, to assist in answering emergency calls 24/7.

We provide all the necessary required training and you provide the time.  Any amount of time you can give will be greatly appreciated, and the rewards are incomparable!

Simply click the link complete the form and it will be sent to the Fire Chief.  He will get back to you within a day or two.

Thank You for considering becoming a member of the BMFD.

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