Message from the Chief – Lithium Batteries

The Fire Chief would like to remind you of a few simple Safety Tips to follow when using Lithium-Ion Batteries.

Lithium-ion batteries supply power to many kinds of devices including smart phones, laptops, scooters, e-cigarettes, smoke alarms, toys, and even cars. Take care when using them.  In rare cases, they can cause a fire or explosion.  These need to be disposed of properly through the Westchester Household Material Recovery Facility (H-MRF).  An appointment is necessary, please call (914) 813-5425.

Safety Tips

  • Purchase and use devices that are listed by a qualified testing laboratory.
  • Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Only use the battery that is designed for the device.
  • Put batteries in the device the right way.
  • Only use the charging cord that came with the device.
  • Do not charge a device under your pillow, on your bed or on a couch.
  • Keep batteries at room temperature.
  • Do not place batteries in direct sunlight or keep them in hot vehicles.
  • Store batteries away from anything that can catch fire.

Signs of a Problem

Stop using the battery if you notice these problems: odor, change in color, too much heat, change in shape, leaking, or if you hear odd noises coming from the battery.  If it is safe to do so, move the device away from anything that is flammable.

Battery Disposal:

  • Putting lithium-ion batteries in the trash or recycling at home is illegal.
  • Recycle batteries by taking them to a battery recycling location. In Westchester, batteries can be taken to the Westchester County Household Material Recovery Facility (H-MRF). An appointment is necessary, please call (914) 813-5425
  • Individually bag batteries or tape ends before disposing.

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